Mental Health Condition

Mental Health Condition

The World Health Organisation defines mental health as:

‘a state of well-being in which the individual realises their potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life and can work productively and fruitfully to contribute to their community’.

One in four of us is likely to be affected by problems relating to mental health at some point in our lives. Some conditions, such as depression and anxiety, are common, while others, such as psychosis, are less so.

Episodes of mental illness can affect psychological and physical function, impacting energy, motivation, sociability, and confidence, impairing work, life at home, and relationships.

In a proportion of patients, the symptoms of their mental illness are severe and more intensive support or treatment is required. In these circumstances, outpatient treatment is insufficient, and patients, unable to cope on their own even with family support, are admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

Severe mental ill health can make you feel vulnerable, isolated, and have very low self-confidence. Going into a psychiatric unit can add a sense of stigma, further fear, and dread when you need your family and friends’ support and your personal belongings around you without the restrictions and limitations of a hospital.

Furthermore, the therapy offered in a hospital may not appeal to you, or you may feel that rehabilitation through personal, social and family activities is more suitable.

Whilst severe episodes of mental illness may require inpatient hospital treatment, Spring Consult offers a discreet alternative to patients who wish to be treated at home for privacy, comfort and security, or convenience. If hospitalisation is necessary, our care and treatment can provide a pathway to accelerate the transition from hospital to home.

A support worker living in your home will:

We support and care for a range of mental health conditions, including:

Contact Us

For further information on any of the services that we can provide for you, please contact us in the following ways:

Telephone: 0203 137 7307 | Email: